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1 [deleted]  Tue, Sep 14, 2010 12:31:02pm
2 Charles Johnson  Tue, Sep 14, 2010 1:10:35pm

Dan "Dim Bulb" Riehl is renowned for his density. The classic Dan Riehl post is this one: Dan Riehl's Imaginary Black Kid Beatdown.

3 Jeff In Ohio  Tue, Sep 14, 2010 1:54:00pm

if you vote for the Tea Baggers, you get a Unicorn. The legacy GOP candidates are only promising a ride on the Wayback Pony. So what do YOU want? A Unicorn or a pony ride you've already been on?

Shit, Shirley, I'd take a Unicorn any day, that pony is just going to stink up the place again.

4 Our Precious Bodily Fluids  Tue, Sep 14, 2010 4:37:31pm

re: #3 Jeff In Ohio

if you vote for the Tea Baggers, you get a Unicorn. The legacy GOP candidates are only promising a ride on the Wayback Pony. So what do YOU want? A Unicorn or a pony ride you've already been on?

Shit, Shirley, I'd take a Unicorn any day, that pony is just going to stink up the place again.

Trouble is, once the whiskey wears off, you wake up and realize that what was sold as a unicorn turns out to be a mule with a carrot glued to its head and covered in expired sour cream.

5 nines09  Tue, Sep 14, 2010 5:26:55pm

Palin endorses. Fruitcake/Loon/Nutty As JUST TWO= COUNT EM=TWO BUCKS!! Losing a wing here and a engine there and all the crazy comes BACK!

6 Jeff In Ohio  Tue, Sep 14, 2010 5:48:12pm

re: #4 negativ

Trouble is, once the whiskey wears off, you wake up and realize that what was sold as a unicorn turns out to be a mule with a carrot glued to its head and covered in expired sour cream.

I hate when that happens.

7 Charles Johnson  Tue, Sep 14, 2010 6:44:27pm

Whoa. Just launched tweetdeck for the first time all day (been coding), and look at all the angry wingnut bloggers saying mean things about me. Imagine my pain.

8 Our Precious Bodily Fluids  Tue, Sep 14, 2010 6:56:41pm

re: #7 Charles

Whoa. Just launched tweetdeck for the first time all day (been coding), and look at all the angry wingnut bloggers saying mean things about me. Imagine my pain.

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